Welcome to Norwegian Food Culture

It's nice to meet the new group of international students at Norwegian Food Culture, and I want to thank you for a pleasant gathering at the start of studies with juicing, pickling and canning in the beautiful teaching kitchen at Volda University College. Our students are from Germany, South Korea, Latvia, Greece, The Czech Republic and Spain.

Norwegian Food Culture, Volda Universtity College. Photo: Jennifer Coe.

Now everyone has received a blog address and they are gradually becoming familiar with the tool. On your blog, you can change the layout, heading, colors and polish your profile. The most important thing you have to do professionally is to create a text with source references and to insert a picture or film. It might be a good idea to write the text in Word and collect the picture or links before you put everything into the blog post and publish.

Remember that the blog is yours, you decide the design, images, text and have control over your comment field - if you don't like a comment, delete it.

Good luck with the product that you are going to preserve and document at your blog!

Best regards associate professor Kari Ryslett
