This year's food culture blogger

Dear all international students

Christmas dinner was prepared in the teaching kitchen just before Christmas and we enjoyed ourselves for the last time. The students served our own home-made Christmas meal with stick meat, tender sausages, medister sausages, tyrnip, sauerkraut, good potatoes, currant juice, rice cream, red sauce and freshly fried norwegian"krumkake"! The table was beautifully set, and yhe meal smelled and tasted like a heavenly "Sunnmørs jul" or traditional Christmas dinner for our region around Volda!

This years food culture winner Veronika Potapava from Latvia and associcate professor Kari Ryslett. Photo: Vilde Moltudal Igland.

Food culture blogger of the year: Veronika Potapava, Latvia
Best blog post on pickling, juicing and canning: Somin Park, South- Korea
Best blog post om traditional baking: Vernonika Potapava, Latvia
Best blog post on perservation on meat: Verinoka, Potapava, Latvia

We wish all our international students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Your sincerely Kari and Erik
