Who will win the blog prizes?

Now there are two blog entries left to present and then it's time for the blog final. This is our own internal selection of this year's food culture blogs and the best blogs in various categories.

This takes place at the last meeting before Christmas and all students must vote anonymously. Prizes, and honors will be awarded during the Christmas dinner on Saturday 2 December.

Remember that you can always change your blog, both text and images to make it better.

Blog prizes. Photo: Kari Ryslett, Volda University College.

The categories are:

1. Best blog post about pickling, juicing and canning

2. Best blog post about preserving meat

3. Best blog post about  and traditional Norwegian  baking

4. This year's Norwegian Food Culture blogger

The criteria are: good pictures, readable text, good professional level and simply your subjective opinion of what a tidy and nice blog post looks like!

Who can vote? All students must vote anonymously for all categories. The teachers Kari and Erik have a double vote.

Remember that once your blog is posted it is your property. You can delete the blog, change it, develop it further or create a new blog. I suggest that the professional blog can remain on the internet as a digital trace of you. Maybe the professional blog will come in handy one day?

Best regards, Kari Ryslett
